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Article: “New method may facilitate the use of graphene nanoribbons in nanoelectronics”

May 20, 2024 – from
An international team that included researchers from Tel Aviv University has developed a method of growing ultra-long, ultra-narrow graphene nanoribbons that exhibit semi-conducting properties, now making it possible for the electronic chips to use graphene in quantum switching devices. This breakthrough enables the fabrication of carbon-based nanoelectronic devices, with potential applications in advanced switching, spintronics, and quantum computing.

Article: “BIU scientists pioneer use of worms rather than rats to model human muscle diseases”

May 19, 2024 – from Bar-Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University scientists have devised an innovative method that uses worms to model human muscle diseases, offering a more scalable and versatile approach in comparison to using rodents. By transferring extracellular vesicles from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy to the worms, they successfully induced muscle atrophy, resembling human symptoms. This groundbreaking technique utilizes blood-derived elements, bypassing the need for genetic modifications in model organisms.

Article: “Scientists discover extraordinary black hole in Milky Way”

May 9, 2024 – from Israel 21c
A team of international scientists, including researchers from Tel Aviv University, has discovered a black hole approximately 1,500 light years from Earth in the Milky Way galaxy with the help of the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft. Dubbed Gaia BH3, it's part of a binary star system, with a star orbiting it in an 11-year cycle. This black hole is 33 times denser than the sun and three times denser than other known black holes in the galaxy.

Article: “Israeli startup to pioneer hybrid app–drug combinations for tailored treatment”

May 1, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Israeli startup Remepy is developing hybrid app + drug therapies to enhance treatment for neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. By combining traditional drugs with tailored digital therapeutics like cognitive-behavioral exercises and guided meditations, Remepy aims to optimize patient outcomes. The startup recently raised $10 million, bringing the total funding to $15 million.


Article: “BGU researchers use novel chemo delivery to kill colorectal cancer liver metastases”

April 28, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Ben-Gurion University researchers developed a nanosized polymer to deliver chemotherapy in mice, effectively eliminating colorectal cancer liver metastases and reducing melanoma lung metastasis. This targeted method minimizes side effects by ensuring the drug specifically reaches cancer cells. Licensed to Vaxil BioTherapeutics for further clinical development, the procedure is currently being tested in large animals, with plans to begin human clinical trials as soon as possible.

Article: “A 99-million-year-old bug that lived in Myanmar discovered by Israeli researchers”

April 24, 2024 – from The Jerusalem Post
Israeli researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered a new insect species in exceptionally well-preserved in 99-million-year-old amber from Myanmar. Named Miropictopallium coloradmonens, this ancient bug features unique characteristics like very large eyes and vibrant coloration. This discovery provides insights into the biodiversity and ecological conditions of the Cretaceous period, enhancing our understanding of insect evolution and the historical development of ecosystems

Article: “US chip giant Nvidia snaps up Israeli AI workload management startup”

April 24, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
In a deal estimated to be valued between $600 million to $700 million, Nvidia is acquiring Israeli AI workload management startup Run:ai, making this one of Nvidia’s biggest acquisitions in Israel in recent years. Founded in 2018, Run:ai simplifies AI infrastructure for businesses, helping them manage complex AI workloads and computing resources across cloud, edge, and on-premises environments, all on a unified platform.

Article: “Fish under the Influence Reveal How Psychedelics Work”

April 21, 2024 – from Weizmann Wonder Wander
A novel method to study the effects of psychedelics has been developed by researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science, using zebrafish larvae. Their approach combines optical microscopy, image analysis, and AI to observe how psychedelics like psilocybin, a mushroom-derived psychedelic compound, affect brain cells and behavior. The research aims to uncover the mechanisms behind the effects of psychedelics on serotonin receptors, potentially leading to new treatments for depression, anxiety and serotonin-related disorders

Article: “The journal "Small Methods" presents a breakthrough in drug delivery and tissue implantation assisted by ultrasound”

April 17, 2024 – from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Technion researchers have developed a novel ultrasound-based method for non-invasive drug delivery and tissue implantation. This technique allows for the precise delivery of cells or drugs deep within the body using sound waves emitted by an external ultrasonic transducer. Eliminating the need for risky invasive surgeries, the method has varied applications like local cell transplantation, continuous localized drug delivery, and three-dimensional bioprinting.

Article: “The Israeli start-up that wants to put an end to carnage on the roads”

April 7, 2024 – from The Jerusalem Post
LETSTOP, an Israeli startup, is attempting to tackle the problem of distracted driving by incentivizing responsible behavior through its app. Using advanced tech and AI, the app tracks phone usage while driving. It then provides customized feedback to improve driving habits and rewards safe driving with credits that are redeemable for vouchers or cryptocurrency.

Article: “Making Potatoes Into Factories For Growing Egg Protein”

April 4, 2024 – from NoCamels
Israeli startup PoLoPo is employing molecular farming to cultivate egg white protein within potatoes. The gene for ovalbumin, the main protein in egg whites, is created using their new proprietary SuperAA platform and inserted into potato plants. The modified potatoes are then grown and harvested like conventional potatoes. After harvesting, the egg white protein is extracted from them and turned into a powder for commercial use in food production as a vegan-friendly protein. The company has launched pilot schemes in Israel and has plans for marketing it in the US by 2026, pending regulatory approval.

Article: “Do Green Environments Help Heart Patients Live Longer?”

April 4, 2024 – from Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University researchers have conducted a pioneering study on over 3,000 coronary heart patients post-bypass surgery, that studied the relationship between the areas where they resided and their survival rates after the operation. The study reveals that patients who resided in greener areas had an 7% lower mortality rate on average than those who lived in a relatively non-green environment. This is based on the hypothesis that living in a green environment meant better air quality and more engagement in physical activity.

Article: “Existing drugs may hinder the development of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients”

April 2, 2024 – from Medical Xpress
Using a combination of two existing medications, Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a new strategy to combat the development of bone metastasis, a common occurrence with breast cancer. Their approach disrupts communication between cancer cells and healthy cells, thereby reducing metastases. The therapy's advantage lies in using readily available drugs. Preliminary observations have shown improved survival rates in mice, further clinical trials will determine effectiveness and safety for humans.

Article: “Dolphin communication affected by boat noise”

April 1, 2024 – from Israel 21c
A research study by the University of Haifa and the Underwater Acoustic and Navigation Laboratory utilized acoustic studies of dolphin whistles and analyzed the data with deep-learning AI software, to confirm that noises from ships and other maritime traffic significantly alter the vocal behavior and communication patterns of dolphins. While the meaning of the altered communication patterns is still being studied, scientist believe it very likely relates to stress or distress responses.


Article: “Do viruses have consciousness?”

March 28, 2024 – from Tel Aviv University
Scientists at Tel Aviv University have uncovered the complex decision-making process used by bacteriophages or phages (viruses that invade bacteria). They found that after invasion, if a phage senses other phages nearby, it chooses to remain dormant; whereas if it does not sense other phages, it instead replicates and kills the host. This study has several potential applications like alleviating the effects of diseases like cholera by using phages as antibiotics alternatives to pathogenic bacteria and , with further research, gaining better insight into the behavior of human-infecting viruses.

Article: “Israeli tech startups raise $1.6 billion, in first sign of recovery from war toll”

March 28, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Israeli tech startups have raised $1.6 billion in the first quarter of 2024. The number of deals increased by 35% from the previous quarter, with larger deals dominating, particularly in cyber startups, which secured $620 million in funds. This symbolizes a significant vote of confidence by investors in Israeli entrepreneurs and raises hopes of continued recovery from the fundraising drought caused by the Israel-Hamas war.

Article: “A Hundred Million Suns: The Most Complete Portrait of a Supernova”

March 27, 2024 – from Weizmann Wonder Wander
Weizmann Institute researchers were able to capitalize on a unique opportunity to observe a supernova (exploding star) in real-time and gather crucial data in the process. With initial analysis suggesting that the missing mass formed a black hole post-explosion, the study offers new insights into stellar life cycles and the formation of new cosmic entities. The study signifies a great stride in understanding the rare phenomenon of supernovae and can potentially enhance our understanding of the universe's origins.

Article: “COVID protocols pave new way of detecting common congenital viral infection in newborns”

March 27, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Inspired by COVID-19 protocols, researchers have successfully used pooled saliva PCR testing to collectively screen large numbers of newborn babies for congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV), which is a very common yet under-screened viral infection that, until now, could only be tested for using individual saliva and urine samples. The new method is faster, cost-effective, reduces false positives and enhances early detection and intervention which is crucial for managing cCMV-related complications.

Article: “Advancing the Field of Environmental Monitoring”

March 25, 2024 – from Bar-Ilan University
A study by Bar-Ilan University researchers proposes the use of their newly developed device to detect low concentrations of pharmaceutical waste and contaminants in water, particularly the highly toxic piperidine which poses significant health risks to humans and animals. The dime-sized device uses a nano-patterned metallic surface and optical detection methods to detect piperdine even at very low concentrations. The findings of this study can revolutionize environmental waste and contaminant monitoring.

Article: “Fungus vs. Fungus: Newly Identified Yeast Might Prevent Life-Threatening Fungal Infections”

March 18, 2024 – from Weizmann Wonder Wander
Weizmann Institute researchers have found a new yeast species that can potentially be used against a harmful yeast type called Candida albicans, which causes a deadly infection called invasive candidiasis in hospitalized and immunocompromised patients. The newly discovered species, Kazachstania weizmanni, lives harmlessly in the intestines of both mice and humans, but successfully competes with and reduces the development of Candida albicans. Showing promising results in mice, the new finding could possibly also offer a way to manage invasive candidiasis in humans.

Article: “X-Ray Activated Nanoparticles Combat Alzheimer’s Disease”

March 17, 2024 – from Bar-Ilan University
Researchers at Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with their Italian contemporaries at the University of Milano-Bicocca, have devised a novel method to combat Alzheimer's disease. The approach harnesses X-ray activated nanoparticles that target early-stage aggregation of A-beta, a harmful protein whose accumulation is directly linked to neurotoxicity and cognitive decline. The method has demonstrated encouraging outcomes in both neuronal cell cultures and in animal studies and presents a promising new avenue for early intervention of Alzheimer’s disease.


Article: “Israeli company launches groundbreaking AI cancer mentor”

February 29, 2024 – from i24 News
Israeli company Belong.Life launches BelongAI Dave - Cancer Mentor, an advanced AI app for personalized cancer support prioritizing empowerment and caregiver assistance. It provides 24/7 guidance, educational resources, and clinical trial navigation. The app utilizes a vast data repository for making accurate and personalized cancer support accessible and affordable for everyone.

Article: “ ‘A game changer’: Israel-based firm’s foldable electric car to hit roads in July”

February 27, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Israel-based City Transformer's $17,400 foldable 2-seater electric car, the CT-2, is set to launch in July. The CT-2 is made of sustainable materials like natural fibers, recycled elements, and eco-friendly composites. Its unique design allows the wheelbase to be contracted to just 39 inches, without affecting cabin space. It boasts a top speed of 55mph, and a range of 75-112 miles.

Article: “Magentiq’s AI-aided colonoscopy tool increases adenoma detection by 7%”

February 23, 2024 – from Clinical Trials Arena
Israel's Magentiq Eye shared findings from a clinical trial of its Magentiq-Colo CADe tool which demonstrates greatly improved adenoma detection during colonoscopies, with a 99.6% sensitivity and 98% specificity. Cleared by the FDA in July 2023, the device uses AI to spot adenomas in real-time videos, aiding colorectal screening.

Article: “Startup aims high with ‘green’ jet fuel made from waste”

February 21, 2024 – from NoCamels
Israeli scientists have created sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to address the environmental impact of aviation. CarboNGV, a collaboration between Ben-Gurion University and the Ralco Group, uses industrial waste and other materials to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) via a proprietary method. The first CarobNGV demonstration plant is expected to become operational by 2025.

Article: “Exposure to the sun's UV radiation may have a positive effect on fertility in women aged 30–40”

February 19, 2024 – from Medical Xpress
Research from Tel Aviv University and Sheba Medical Center suggests a positive link between exposure UV radiation and fertility in women aged 30–40. By observing seasonal AMH hormone fluctuations, it was found that older women exhibited increased fertility markers during summer while younger women showed no significant correlation. Further studies will be needed to understand the mechanism and establish safe exposure levels.

Article: “Revolution in Plant Cloning May Boost Global Agriculture”

February 19, 2024 – from Mirage News (Australia)
A team led by researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Volcani Institute, has developed compounds that boost the rooting of plant cuttings, a stage that is critical for the propagation of plants with desirable traits. They found that introducing a synthetic, slow-release version of the plant hormone auxin (responsible for plant rooting and other vital developmental functions) greatly improved the rooting ability of plant cuttings. This is a significant discovery that can potentially reduce costs, improve crop quality, and help develop more climate-adaptable plant varieties.

Article: “Say goodbye to spoiled fruits and vegetables and hello to edible and fresh produce”

February 15, 2024 – from The Jerusalem Post
Bar-Ilan University researchers led by doctoral student Belal Abu Salha, have devised a method by which strawberries are coated with nanoparticles made of chitosan, which is an edible natural substance with antibacterial properties. This treatment effectively prolongs their shelf life by up to 15 days. This breakthrough not only benefits strawberry growers but also holds promise for enhancing food preservation industry-wide, offering eco-friendly solutions to extend the freshness of various produce.

Article: “Israeli firm pushes for more desalination in Philippines”

February 15, 2024 – from (Philippines)
Israel's IDE Technologies is seeking to expand its desalination and water recycling services in the Philippines, engaging in talks with local partners for potential ventures. With impending water scarcity in the region due to El Niño, IDE emphasizes water recycling and environmentally friendly solutions tailored to the Philippines' unique challenges.

Article: “Car inspection tech adopted by major US vehicle marketplace”

February 13, 2024 – from Israel 21c
OPENLANE, a major US vehicle marketplace, has integrated Israeli tech company Click-Ins' AI system to detect vehicle damage from real-time images and generate visual overlays that allow customers to quickly and accurately assess the exterior condition of used vehicles. UVeye is an Israeli AI-powered vehicle inspection system that is already in use at hundreds of US GM dealerships to improve the accuracy of vehicle inspections.

Article: “Breakthrough in understanding the cause of a rare and life-threatening condition related to sleep apnea”

February 5, 2024 – from Medical Express
Professor Gad Vatine from Ben-Gurion University and Dr. Avraham Ashkenazi from Tel Aviv University, have teamed up to study a rare but potentially fatal disorder in young children called Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), which can cause a child to stop breathing while asleep. They have found that CCHS stems from a PHOX2B gene mutation that affects the Autonomic Nervous System. This finding provides insights into the disease mechanism and opens up possibilities for developing treatments to improve the quality of life for patients with CCHS.

Article: "Israeli company develops cultured coffee beans"

February 3, 2024 – from Ynet News
Israeli biotechnology company Pluri Inc. unveils its breakthrough in cultured coffee bean production, aiming to transform the global coffee market. Utilizing PluriMatrix technology, the process grows coffee cells in a lab that offer the same taste and aroma as regular coffee, with added sustainability benefits that help reduce environmental impact and address challenges posed by climate change.


Article: “Israeli start-up wins biggest ed-tech competition in the world”

January 30, 2024 – from The Jerusalem Post
Israeli AI startup won the Global Edtech Startup Awards (GESA) in London. The platform enables children to create, edit, and illustrate their own bedtime stories with the help of AI. The program has also found an application in the education sector as teachers globally have adopted it craft classroom educational aids. It has already been integrated into hundreds of Israeli schools since September 2023 and in over 1,500 schools worldwide.

Article: “A Scientific Breakthrough That Will Help Increase Plant Yields in Dry Conditions”

January 30, 2024 – from Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University scientists used CRISPR genetic editing technology to grow tomato plants that need less water but still produce plenty of fruit. They targeted a gene called ROP9 to partially close the plant's pores, reducing water loss without harming growth. This breakthrough could benefit other crops as well, leading to more efficient water use in agriculture.

Article: “Seeking eco-friendly material, Israeli innovators look to scale up fish-skin handbags”

January 30, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
Israeli innovators, supported by EU funding, are aiming to produce handbags made of fish skin, for eco-friendly fashion. Their idea is to repurpose fish skin, which is typically a waste material, into leather that offers sustainability benefits. The collaboration, currently at the proof-of-concept stage, is seeking industrial adoption, emphasizing its potential for sustainability and innovation in the fashion industry.

Article: “New Israeli study uncovers molecular connection between anxiety and testosterone”

January 29, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
A recent study by Ben-Gurion University researchers uncovers how anxiety and testosterone are linked at the molecular level, shedding light on potential treatments for anxiety. They found that a protein called TACR3, present in the brain, connects low testosterone levels to anxiety. Through experiments on rats, they discovered that higher testosterone levels corresponded to lower anxiety, and vice versa.

Article: “Children's dental health significantly improved using electric toothbrushes”

January 19, 2024 – from Nature Magazine
New research from Hebrew University-Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine shows that oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes outperform traditional toothbrushes in reducing plaque and gingivitis in children (ages 3-10). Children using electric brushes had significantly better results in plaque and gingivitis reduction, emphasizing their oral health benefits.

Article: “Origin of intense light in supermassive black holes and tidal disruption events revealed by study”

January 18, 2024 – from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A groundbreaking study by Hebrew University reveals how supermassive black holes generate intense light during Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs). Through advanced simulations, researchers accurately recreated the entire TDE process, identifying a previously unknown shockwave type that powers the brightest phases of these events. The findings offer insight into black hole properties and may validate Einstein's theories in extreme gravitational conditions, shaping future astronomical exploration.

Article: “New COVID treatment from 101 Therapeutics poised to revolutionize pandemic response”

January 18, 2024 – from The Jerusalem Post
Tel Aviv based 101 Therapeutics, in partnership with Canadian-Israeli venture capital firm, AWZ has developed a new COVID treatment that could change how we fight the pandemic. It targets immune cells called macrophages, helping remove infected cells and stopping dangerous immune overreactions referred to as a “cytokine storm”. Notably, this drug is “pathogen agnostic” and as such, it is poised to be a crucial solution for addressing future pandemics and biosecurity threats.

Article: “Aleph Farms gets approval to sell cultivated steaks in Israel”

January 17, 2024 – from Reuters
After rigorous safety assessments, Aleph Farms, an Israeli food-tech start-up, has received regulatory approval to sell lab-grown steak in Israel, marking a significant milestone in cultivated meat technology. The process uses sample cells from a live animal that are then cultivated in a controlled environment and blended with plant proteins from soy and wheat. Aleph Farms plan to commercialize its product in the Israeli food service and retail markets soon.

Article: “Portable virtual reality system helps brain-injured patients with recovery”

January 16, 2024 – from The Times of Israel
A portable virtual reality system by Israeli startup XRHealth aids brain-injured patients' recovery at Sheba Medical Center. The VR system, used by occupational therapists, enhances cognitive and motor skills through interactive game-like activities. It offers an engaging and motivating approach for rehabilitation that can be utilized in hospitals or at home under remote supervision.

Article: “Desert Tech Innovation Center Opening in Negev City of Be'er Sheva”

January 3, 2024 – from No Camels
An innovation center for climate and desert technology is opening in Be’er Sheva, Israel, and will span the Negev and Arava regions. One of nine centers, it aims to promote employment and technological advancement in the Negev, develop new companies, strengthen the high-tech sector, and integrate locals into the industry.