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Article: "5 Israeli universities feature among top 50 producers of entrepreneurs"

November 1, 2022


The latest rankings of universities producing venture capital-backed entrepreneurs from PitchBook features five Israeli universities, including Tel Aviv University at number seven, its fifth consecutive year in the top 10. Other featured institutions include Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (15), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (31), Reichman University (38), and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (45).

Rankings were developed by PitchBook, a data company that conducts research on venture capital, private equity, and mergers and acquisitions. The company tracked founders that received their first round of venture funding between January 2012 and October 2022. The five ranked Israeli universities have collectively produced over 2,400 entrepreneurs from their undergraduate programs during this period, founding over 2,000 companies and raising over $73.8 billion in capital investment. Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University were also featured in the top 50 undergraduate programs for women entrepreneurs, at spots 20 and 45, respectively.

To read the full article, click here:

*Image used is from the full news article published by The Times of Israel. An aerial view of Tel Aviv University.