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Israel Innovation Project

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"The Other" with Director Joy Sela and Prof. Elie Rekhess in person!

The Other, documentary by Joy Sela
Click here to buy tickets for the screening of "The Other"

Prof. Elie Rekhess, director of the Northwestern Israel Innovation Project (IIP), will be moderating a disucssion with "The Other" director Joy Sela post-screening of the film on Sunday, March 30, at The Glen (screening begins at 1:30 pm). To learn more about the film and speakers and to buy tickets, visit this website:

Featured News


Recording of "A discussion with Eshkol Nevo"

The Northwestern Israel Innovation Project (IIP) hosted Eshkol NevoInternational Best-selling Israeli Writer, on Wednesday, February 5, for a webinar discussing a variety of topics such as writing in times of war, creating stories for global audiences, and producing characters that capture the complexities of life. Watch here:
Click here to watch!

Save the Date for the Ninth Annual Water Symposium!

The Ninth Annual Water Symposium will take place on Tuesday, May 13 at 5:00 p.m. on Northwestern's Evanston campus. Registration details coming soon. on . To watch last year's recordings on the topic of “Water Innovation for Wet and Dry Lands: Between the Great Lakes and the Middle East”, click here for Day 1 and here for Day 2
Click here to watch recording
